Young Aubigny’s rule was a strict one, too, and under it his neegros had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old master’s easy-going and indulgent lifetime (Choplin 1). In this quote, it shows that the effect of rule varying across different masters, also affects the ones under the rule. It also shows the hard-heartedness that Aubigny had, and foreshadows his response to the child.
Young Aubigny’s rule was a strict one, too, and under it his neegros had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old master’s easy-going and indulgent lifetime (Choplin 1). In this quote, it shows that the effect of rule varying across different masters, also affects the ones under the rule. It also shows the hard-heartedness that Aubigny had, and foreshadows his response to the child.