II Jornadas Saharauis en Becedas

Por segundo año consecutivo, la Asociación Rimal Sáhara Tormes organiza las II Jornadas saharauis en el municipio de Becedas (Ávila). Las actividades previstas serán entre otras: video-forum, exposición fotográfica, artesanía, juegos….y para finalizar la tarde CENA SOLIDARIA en la que podremos degustar cous-cous con carne, fruta, te y dulces variados. Los beneficios recaudados en la cena serán destinados al Proyecto desarrollado en los Campamentos saharauis de Tindouf: «Desayunos en la escuela».

Lugar: Becedas (Avila)Becedas

Dia: 15 Agosto 2009

Hora:A partir d las 7 d la tarde

Estais todos invitados, os esperamos!!!!!

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5 Comentarios

  1. Ana
    Ago 12, 2009

    Me parece una iniciativa estupenda para que la gente vaya conociendo la realidad que viven los saharauis desde hace tantos anos, que ya es hora de q todos nos movilicemos! Mucha suerte!

  2. Frederick Computdr
    Sep 23, 2010


  3. Kayarykit
    Sep 26, 2010

    What is UniqueHoodia?
    – is a cactus-like flora that originates from the Kalahari Desert and has been used for many years for its well documented appetite suppressant qualities. This rare plant has been a staple diet of the Sans tribesman to keep them going without very little sustinence for many days and even weeks on long, labourious treks and hunting trips. The amazing weight loss attributes of this very exceptional cacti has now been revealed and UniqueHoodia was created.
    UniqueHoodia is one of many diet supplements that decide to ultilise Hoodia Gordonii as the primary ingredient to help the user consume less food and calories and therefore, lose weight. What makes UniqueHoodia better than the rest is that it uses totally un-tainted Hoodia Gordonii, so you can be positive that you’re getting the real deal and not a poor replication and that you are investing in a product that really does exceed its expectations.
    UniqueHoodia will safely and efficiently suppress your hunger, meaning that you will consume less calories and gain a huge reduction in body fat. This makes UniqueHoodia a particularly helpful solution for those who go overboard and eat too much of the wrong foods, for example; fatty, high calorific, starchy foods. The amazing properties of this plant will let you to eat a considerably lesser amount and therefore, start to burn fat and lose the flab!
    Many manufacturers claim that their diet pills are also made from the precious Hoodia Gordonii plant but this is very deceptive. More often than not they are not preparedfrom the genuine Gordonii plant itself but from another Hoodia species, it is all too easy to dupe the buyer by saying one’s product is devised from ‘Hoodia.’ If any Hoodia does get in the product It is expected to contain such an insignificant amount that it is unlikely to have any real effect on your weight whatsoever.
    With UniqueHoodia, you will get 460 mg of – in its pure and natural form. This is just the right amount to eradicate 2,000 calories from your diet which could enable you to shed between 1lb – 5lb a week. Since UniqueHoodia is coming straight from the plant, there is no need todoubt the safety of the product, there are no fillers, binders or hidden extras, meaning without doubt no side effects just a fantastic weight loss result. UniqueHoodia is an extremely cost effective answer to your weight loss worries, you get 30 more supplements than what is provided with more inferior Hoodia preparations at a truly reasonable price. What’s more you have an iron clad 6 month money back promise which means you can have utter faith in UniqueHoodia, dissimilar to other rival products on the market you can feel in no doubt that the manufacturers have so much faith in their product that you will lose weight and get the physique of your dreams all at no risk and low cost. Do not wait, experience the full effect of –
    for yourselves today.
    Hoodia Gordonii – Read full review

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